Team Play
We can DO more together than we can do alone! This is modeled consistently in nature. Nature works together as a synergistic whole. We are nature. As everyone owns their position on the team, and contributes their unique part, team play is created in that moment.
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
~ Old African Proverb
"My value is to put my attention 100% of the time on building synergy with the whole team to the best of my ability. This includes paying attention to myself, to others and to the environment and work together to create harmony, balance and function as a whole. To do this, I focus on being in harmony with my whole system: my physical, emotional, mental bodies and my spirit. Then, I see the world from everyone elseʼs perspective; include the environment Iʼm in; observe the contracts that are in place; and lastly, I do the action that is most needed for the whole team."
Be Open
Every experience is giving you new information. When you welcome this information, you can use it to take your next step. Don’t question, analyze, categorize, or judge your experience... receive what is occurring and how you are is fertilizer and will give you the fuel to do what is needed next.
"My value is to include, accept and embrace every feeling, sensation, thought, experience that I have and any one else has, to the best of my ability. I don’t try to change, fix, judge, analyze or compartmentalize it, but rather, let it be here firstly, whether pleasurable or painful, and be experienced fully. I am grateful to be able to feel and appreciate the information my system is giving me.”
Expose yourself to new situations, new environments and new ways of being, doing, seeing, and thinking. Expand yourself by not knowing, and fully give yourself room to discover. Open to input, to new sensations and feelings, and surprise yourself! Approach every situation as a beginner, with a beginners mind. All children explore naturally and don’t compare themselves with others. We all learn, process and integrate as we play.
"My value is letting myself explore, discover, create, imagine, and enter unknown territory on a regular, consistent basis. I expand my way of seeing things and look at life from all different angles and perceptions to the best of my ability. I let every moment be new, here to be discovered. I don’t think I should know how to do anything if I can’t do it yet, I’m still learning how to do it. I play and improvise, think on my feet, and operate without an agenda though I am moving towards my goals. I recognize that every new situation gives me a new opportunity to improvise and get creative. This is how I problem solve and enjoy the process of moving and growing."
Meet every experience with your commitment to move in the direction of your intentions and goals. By having goals, you are challenging yourself as the reason it is a goal is because you can’t do it or have it yet. Stay dedicated and determined, with belief and encouragement in yourself and everyone else in your life. Tell yourself the truth about what you and everyone else currently can and can’t do. Put in the effort and never give up on yourself or anyone else, even if you need to adjust your pace, maintain your direction with commitment. You are building your strength, stamina and endurance to work.
“My value is to build my capacity to work. I find and meet my next level of challenge within myself, in my relationships and in my work area and take on this challenge incrementally. I am consistently committed to my intention and goals in each area of my life. I generate my energy and build my strength, stamina and endurance to work. I do not waver in my direction. I move steadily and use all the resources around me to assist me in moving. I acknowledge my progress each step along the way and register my success. I take the next action needed without excusing, explaining or defending myself. I learn to apply myself to my job to the very best of my ability and am respectful of what I can do now and what I can’t do yet.”
Be Resilient
Jump in and participate! Give yourself space to make mistakes and tumble. Oops, I missed the mark! It’s that simple. Don't judge yourself, or anyone else, just keep MOVING. Get back up, make the course corrections, and keep moving steadily in the direction of your intention and goals. Your health: physical, emotional, mental health is measured not by what you can do, but by your recovery rate. Get UP Again!
"My value is to live my life fully, jump in and participate, and not worry about being perfect. When I fall, I bounce back; when I make mistakes, I correct them as soon as I find out. I face my challenges once I hit them, clean up messes once I make them, and just simply get up and keep going on a consistent basis no matter what. I don’t let anyone else’s opinions, emotions, or anything stop me from getting up again. I build more resiliency every time I bounce back. Yes!!!”
From Our Students
Dance Alive is an Embodied Life Training Program that encourages personal, relational, and business growth, through Dynamic Movement, Deep Body Meditations, & Embodied Leadership.
Mariane Karou is the Visionary founder of Dance Alive. She has been teaching for over 50 years and is a Pioneer in the field of Somatics, Movement, and Leadership! She is a dedicated guide who Empowers people of all ages, and at every stage of life!
The core practices of Dance Alive include:
MOVEMENT - "Ride the Wave" Classes & Workshops
MEDITATION - "Inner Rhythms" Classes & Workshops
LEADERSHIP-"Take Charge Now" Workshops
Dance Alive offers Transformative Benefits, fostering a deep connection with yourself, greater alignment and clarity in your intentions, and greater movement skills to utilize to build your vitality, relationships, and wealth, with COMMITMENT & LOVE!
Click "See Our Programs" button above and sign up for one of our classes or programs! We look forward to MOVING with you!
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